Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva

Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva

Hiatus Hampir 5 Tahun

Mengurus studio kreatif sendiri memang perlu pengorbanan | Waktu itu Gagestudio (studio kreatifku) memiliki lebih dari 10 karyawan, aku merasa kurang bisa membagi waktu sebagai owner dan ilustrator. Jadi aku mengorbankan profesi utama untuk fokus mengembangkan studio.

Sekian waktu berlalu, akhirnya pandemi tiba. Semua karyawan harus kerja work from home, tetapi kenyataannya tidak semua orang mampu mengatur waktu dan pekerjaannya ketika bekerja dirumah. Kendala seperti kuota internet terbatas, tidak terjangkau internet dan alasan alasan lain. Dengan terpaksa aku memberhentikan karyawan dan memilih untuk bekerja dengan freelancer.

Sekarang bekerja hanya bersama suami saja, dibantu dengan 2 freelancer. Butuh banyak penyesuaian lagi, karena sebelumnya kami ada yang membantu tetapi sekarang harus lebih mandiri, namanya juga wirausaha, setiap keputusan ada konsekuensinya. 

Karena sudah tidak PEDE dengan menggambar, aku berencana fokus untuk menjadi content creator saja dengan merekomendasikan produk produk Shopee, review produk, hingga endorse baju. Tapi pekerjaan ini memang musiman, hehe~~

Mungkin seperti artis, kadang ada endorse kadang sepi. Hal ini membuat terkadang aku jadi malas malasan untuk bikin konten, alhasil insight menurun hiks. Meskipun pemasukanku tidak hanya dari situ saja, tapi aku rasa kerjaku kurang optimal.

Banyak hari hari luang yang aku lalui, waktu rebahan semakin panjang, kegiatan scrolling TikTok dan nonton drama korea jadi kebiasaan. 

Suami selalu bilang, "sayang, kamu santai saja, aku bisa kerja dan nafkahin kamu sendiri".

Tetapi, aku tidak bisa begitu, harus ada energi yang kukeluarkan agar tidak overthinking. Yaitu dengan sibuk bekerja. Tetapi apa?

Entah wangsit darimana, muncul ada teman yang membagikan kisah suksesnya dengan menjadi contributor Canva. Hatiku tergerak untuk kembali BERKARYA!~

Setelah 5 tahun tidak menggambar ilustrasi, aku langsung bangkit dari kasur dan langsung menggambar pakai Ipad suami.

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Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva

Menjadi Contributor Canva

Kebetulan aku pengguna setia Canva dari 2 tahun lalu, yah menurutku itu adalah satu satunya aplikasi desain yang paling user friendly dengan harga affordable. Biasa aku pakai untuk konten sosial media, Banner Blog, dan menyusun Portfolio. Dan kaget sekali, ternyata aku sudah TERDAFTAR sebagai Canva Contributor sejak setahun lalu.

"Oh, iya deng. Dulu pernah iseng daftar".

Alhamdulillah. Lucky me.

Ternyata pendaftaran untuk menjadi Contributor Canva sudah DITUTUP.

Jadi, aku tinggal lanjut menggambar lagi. Pas ada rejeki, suami membelikan aku Ipad Air 2022 bersama dengan Ipad Pencil Gen 2 yang harganya bikin kembang kempis. Katanya, agar aku bisa semangat berkarya lagi.

Seperti ketika Harry Potter barusan dapat the magic wand, rasanya wah sekali!

Begitu pegang Ipad dan pensilnya, aku merasa kembali ke diriku 5 tahun lalu. Meski tak mudah untuk memulai kembali, tapi aku masih bisa semangat berkarya. Belajar aplikasi Procreate, Clipping Mask, belajar Adobe Illustrator lagi, semuanya asik!.

Pengharum ruangan viral

Akhirnya setelah beberapa karya jadi dan upload di Canva, ada beberapa karyaku yang lolos dan bisa dipakai oleh pengguna Canva lain. Aku jadi tambah semangat lagi. Untuk penghasilan sih aku belum sampai withdraw, hanya bisa berharap semoga para pengguna Canva bisa memanfaatkan elemen ilustrasiku dengan maksimal. Amin. Nah ini adalah karyaku:

Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva
Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva

Kesimpulanku sebagai Kontributor Canva Pemula

Sepertinya sih pekerjaan menjadi contributor elemen di Canva tidak bisa di'sambi'. Kalau memang hanya iseng gambar dan upload sih, tidak masalah. Tetapi kalau ingin mendapatkan pemasukan yang banyak dari Canva, harus konsisten berkarya dan upload. 

Ada temanku yang fokus menjadi contributor canva, hingga tiap bulan dia dapat 8 juta rupiah. Semoga aku juga bisa konsisten hehe~

Teman teman pembaca, silahkan pakai elemenku yah : @aga-rahmadani. Jika ada saran dan kritik silahkan DM di Instagram, pasti aku balas. :)

Posting Komentar

57 Komentar

  1. Ayo bikin konten edukasi yang fun tentang Canva juga, Mbak Aga. Kulihat banyak konten kreator yang berhasil mengusung tema Canva. Oya semoga lancar selalu untuk Gage Studio ya.

  2. Kereeen banget Mbak. Suka sama ilustrasi-ilustrasi Mbak Aga. Cakep semua. Jadi pengen belajar nggambar digital juga, nih. Sukses selalu ya Mbak Aga.

  3. Mbaaa..karyanya keren2 sekalii!! Aku selalu salut dg teman2 yg berjiwa seni tinggi dan menghasilkan karya keren..sementara aku jd penikmat saja..haha.. Semoga sukses jd kontributor Canva mba..

  4. Masyaallah, ternyata Mbak Aga sekeren itu. Sukses selalu, ya, Mbak. Teruslah berkarya!

  5. Kereeen. Sukses untuk mbak Aga. Sukses selalu dalam berkarya. Karya-karyanya keren.

  6. Sekarang makin terbuka peluang untuk menjadi kreator desain di Canva, congrat yaa Aga. Menjadi freelancer atau kontributor di aplikasi malah lebih enjoy. Semangat terus berkreasi dengan desain kece yaa

  7. Lucu2 banget Mbak Aga, ilustrasinya 😍😍.
    Temenku ada IRT jualan online. Sejak ramai canva pro, dia jadi afiliator canva dan sekarang jadi kontributor juga.

  8. Mbak bagus2 banget lho ilustrasinta yuk ah semangat andaikan aku punya kemampuan gambar dan bikin ilustrasi sekecs itu pengen juga deh jd kontriburor canva

  9. Aaaaa keren banget mbaak ilustrasinya, kmrin mau daftar canva kontributor kok kelupaan mulu tau tau udah close sementara huhuhu menyesaaaal

  10. Ternyata untuk ilustrator ada peluang ya untuk berkarya di Canva, semangat ya Aga semoga makin banyak karyanya dan disukai pelanggan, makin produktif menggambar..gambarnya lucu-lucu deh

  11. Seneng banget liat kerjaannya Aga sama suami bener2 duo kreatif yg saling melengkapi, karyanya juga keren2

  12. asdfsadfadsfadsfawegaerg awgas gasd gasd gew wsaedfewrya dsf awer

  13. Wah, keren-keren karyanya kak. Salam kenal!

  14. Aku salah satu contributor canva pemula, yang tadinya cuma iseng-iseng aja eh ada yang pake element, meskipun belum withdrw karena belum nyampe minimum payout, tapi itu bikin semangat untuk bikin element, tadinya ane ngga berharap apa2 dari canva ini, malah di platform microstok lain yang diharapkan, mungkin jalannya ada di canva, semangat mbak, semoga terus menginspirasi. salam kenal dari aku, Ibel

  15. Wah keren kak, semoga saya juga bisa menjadi kontributor canva sama seperti kakak.. oh iya aku juga sebenarnya sangat menyukai desainer lho.

  16. Baru banget ni pake canva, ternyata aplikasinya bikin kerjaan lebih mudah. Cari² info apa bisa cari income di canva ini, eh nemu blog ini. jadi semangat deh. mudahan bisa ^^

  17. Perhaps you could write next articles referring to this article. I desire to read even more things about it!

  18. It is very useful and informative blog. keep doing content like this.
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  19. The text provides information about becoming a Canva contributor or gaining experience on the platform. It highlights the importance of understanding the process of contribution, the quality of content, the legal rights to all content, clear and relevant descriptions, participation in Canva communities, and the need for persistence and consistency. It also emphasizes the importance of a strong connection with other contributors to improve the quality of content. The text also emphasizes the importance of staying updated with Canva's community to receive feedback and learn from other contributors. It also emphasizes the need for persistence and consistency in becoming a Canva contributor, as success may not be guaranteed but can be achieved through hard work and collaboration. The author also emphasizes the importance of staying updated with Canva's community and communicating with Canva communities to receive more updates and benefits.
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  20. The user describes their experience as a beginner Canva Contributor, describing the platform's user-friendly interface, clear communication from Canva's support team, well-documented submission guidelines, and feedback on rejected submissions. They appreciate the support team's guidance and resources, finding Canva's submission requirements easy to follow. The Canva community is welcoming and supportive, offering collaboration and learning opportunities. The user is excited to continue contributing and growing as a designer on the platform, stating that their beginner experience has been positive and they are excited to continue contributing.Calculadora de Mantenimiento de Divorcio de Nueva York

  21. The author acknowledges that they lack access to specific reviews or information about the experiences of beginner contributors on Canva, as their knowledge is based on information available up to September 2021. They suggest checking online forums, social media groups, and discussion platforms where Canva users often share their experiences and insights. Additionally, visiting the Canva Community forums or the official Canva website can provide valuable insights into the experiences of users who have started their journey as contributors. The author encourages users to provide additional details or ask more specific questions if they have more specific questions about starting as a contributor, using the platform effectively, or any other aspect of Canva or graphic design. They are here to provide information and insights to the best of their knowledge based on information available up to September 2021. The author is here to assist users further in their Canva journey.Abogado de Accidentes Camiones Baltimore

  22. Commercial Contract Disputes Lawyer
    The author shares their journey as a beginner Canva contributor, detailing the registration process, user-friendly interface, clear design guidelines, and a helpful feedback system. They highlight the enjoyable experience of creating designs for Canva's library, but acknowledge the need for copyright protection and expedited content approval. The author initially earns little but understands that it takes time to build a substantial income on the platform. The Canva support team is responsive and helpful in addressing queries and concerns. Consistency is crucial for beginners, especially when juggling other commitments. Engaging with the Canva contributor community provides valuable insights and networking opportunities. The learning curve is steep, as the author works to create designs meeting Canva's quality standards. The platform has a competitive nature, making it essential to find a niche and stand out. Rejections can be disheartening but serve as opportunities for improvement. Canva's platform and design resources provide inspiration for the author's creative journey. Over time, the author noticed significant improvement in their design skills due to constant practice and feedback. Patience is key for beginners, as building a portfolio and audience takes time and perseverance. Being a Canva contributor expanded the author's horizons and allowed them to explore various design styles and themes. In conclusion, the author's experience as a beginner Canva contributor has been a valuable learning journey, and they look forward to continuing to grow as a contributor on the platform.

  23. As a Canva contributor, you can contribute to various creative content by submitting your work to the platform. This includes identity verification and payment. You must understand the content requirements set by Canva, such as the type of content you want, resolution, copyright, and other technical aspects. You can create creative content like graphic design templates, illustrations, or other designs, and can adjust the style, color, and format according to your preferences. You need to upload your content to Canva and use the Canva design tools to create templates or designs. You can also promote your content through social media, your community, or other marketing strategies. You can contribute to every use of your content by using Canva, and you can benefit from every action taken by users who use your content. Canva has a quick and easy editing and evaluation mechanism to improve the quality of your content. You can create a quick edit from your work or Canva's interface to enhance your content. As a Canva contributor, you must train and refine your content according to your needs. This experience can help you create your own creative content, share your creativity with others, and improve your content quality.Bufete de Abogados de Accidentes de Motocicleta

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    The Beginner's Experience Becoming a Canva Contributor article offers a detailed guide for beginners to the creative world of Canva. It shares personal anecdotes and provides practical guidance on the submission and approval process. The article addresses potential concerns and hesitations for beginners, offering reassurance and encouragement. However, it could benefit from additional information on trends within Canva's user community and visuals or examples of successful designs. Overall, it is an informative and relatable resource for Canva contributors.

  27. As a Canva contributor, I am very satisfied with the platform's ability to contribute to the graphic design world with ease and enthusiasm. The process of uploading and editing designs is intuitive and the community environment is very beneficial. The user-friendly interface and clear instructions make me feel at home in various design fields. Canva offers fantastic contributions to the graphic design industry, with various creative talents available through the platform. Being a Canva contributor is a good decision, as it motivates and positively influences the design community. New York Divorce No Fault

  28. "Pengalaman Pemula Menjadi Contributor Canva" adalah wawasan yang berharga bagi pemula dalam berkontribusi pada platform Canva. Panduan sistematis membimbing mereka melalui proses dengan penjelasan yang jelas, interaktif fitur dan dukungan teknis memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam Canva. Teknologi informasi yang cukup untuk membangun keterampilan desain grafis, dan dapat dianggap sebagai sumber daya berguna bagi mereka. What Does A Divorce Cost in New York

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  31. Wow, what an incredible journey you must have had as a beginner contributor on Canva! Your willingness to step into the world of design and contribute your unique perspective is truly inspiring. It takes courage to venture into new territory, and your experience is a testament to your determination and creativity. Keep pushing boundaries, exploring new techniques, and sharing your talents with the world. Your journey as a beginner contributor on Canva is just the beginning of what I'm sure will be a remarkable creative career. Keep up the fantastic work!

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  52. They highlight the enjoyable experience of creating designs for Canva's library, but acknowledge the need for copyright protection and expedited content approval. The author initially earns little but understands that it takes time to build a substantial income on the platform. The Canva support team is responsive and helpful in addressing queries and concerns. Consistency is crucial for beginners, especially when juggling other commitments. Engaging with the Canva contributor community provides valuable insights and networking opportunities. The learning curve is steep, as the author works to create designs meeting Canva's quality standards dui lawyer montgomery.

  53. Beginner's Experience Becoming a Canva Contributor is an insightful and encouraging guide for anyone looking to join Canva's creative community. The author shares their journey from setting up an account to successfully submitting designs, offering practical tips on navigating the platform, understanding submission guidelines, and improving design quality. With its relatable narrative and actionable advice, the piece demystifies the process for newcomers while highlighting the rewarding aspects of contributing to Canva
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  54. "Starting out as a Canva contributor is an exciting journey for beginners looking to showcase their creative talents. what is criminal sexual conduct 1st degree The process begins with building a portfolio of unique and high-quality designs, whether it's templates, illustrations, or stock photos. Submitting work to Canva involves understanding their style guidelines and user needs, making creativity and adaptability key.

  55. human trafficking sting Contributing to Canva is a fun and useful experience, especially for those who are interested in graphic design. For a beginner, the first step is to understand the Canva platform, starting with various design tools and ending with templates. There are many contributors who use their strengths in design, such as creating illustrations, presentation templates, or other graphic elements. The process of creating a project on Canva is very easy, and drawing inspiration from other users can help with the development of the design.

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